


Kybella® Treatment in Waterloo, IA

Kybella by Evolve Aesthetics in Waterloo IA

Ask Evolve Aesthetics and Regenerative Medicine for a chin profile assessment today!

73% of adults surveyed online* were bothered by excess fat under the chin.

*Data collected from 7322 consumers through a blind online survey in spring 2016.

Kybella® is a nonsurgical treatment option for moderate to severe fullness under your chin (known as submental fullness).

Kybella® is injected into the area of fullness to permanently destroy fat cells and improve the chin profile.

Kybella Treatment


Your aesthetic specialist will perform a consultation to determine the optimal number of treatments to get the look you want. Most patients need 2-4 treatments. Each treatment is spaced one month from previous treatment. A small needle is used to inject the Kybella® into the fullness and may feel like a pinch. Numbing cream and ice are typically used prior to the procedure to help with the discomfort.

There is no significant downtime. However, there will be a short term increase in the submental fullness due to swelling post Kybella injection that gradually resolves in a few days.

The most common side effects reported include redness, swelling at site of injection. Mild bruising and bleeding could also occur.

Other rare side effects that have been reported include difficulty swallowing, hematoma, or nerve injury in the jaw that can cause a temporary uneven smile or facial muscle weakness. Other possible injection site problems include hematoma, damage to an artery or vein, hair loss, open sores (ulcers), damage and tissue cell death (necrosis) around injection site.

Results vary, but you may see results within 4 weeks after your first treatment; however, most patients see their desired results after 2-4 treatments, each spaced one month apart.

Results are long term

Final cost is dependent on thorough consultation with your experienced aesthetic injector. Most individuals need 2-4 treatments to get the desired look they want, each treatment typically runs about $600-$1200 depending on number of vials needed.

You should not received Kybella if you are pregnant, trying to become pregnant or are breastfeeding. You discuss with your provider before receiving Kybella if you have prior history of difficulty swallowing (dysphagia) or previous neck surgery or injury to nerves of the head and neck. You also should not receive Kybella if you have a documented history of an allergic reaction to Kybella or lidocaine containing products (the topical anesthetics used to help with discomfort).

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